- Lakeview Local School District
- Student Services
300 Hillman Dr., Cortland, OH 44410 | Office: 330.637.3809
Supervisor - Jennifer.Merkich@lakeviewlocal.org
The Lakeview Local School District is committed to providing services to support the unique needs of students in accordance with state and federal laws. The Student Services Department is responsible for overseeing the services available to eligible students in the areas of Special Education, Title 1, Gifted Education, Section 504, and English Learners.
Click here to view the Right to Know letter for Title Services.
Response to Intervention Model
Lakeview Local Schools utilizes the Response to Intervention Model (RTI), for at-risk learners, and makes every effort to work with any student having difficulty in the general education classroom. This process includes the utilization of an Intervention Assistance Team (IAT), composed of the following: the teacher, parent, principal, school counselor, RTI coordinator, student when appropriate, and any other specialist who may help the team to problem-solve. Any individual may make a referral to this team on behalf of a struggling student. The purpose of the IAT meeting is to develop strategies and interventions designed to help the struggling student become successful in the general education classroom.
Any parent who believes their child is having difficulty within the general education setting should first make contact with their child's teacher. The school counselor is available in each building for additional consultation.
Special Education Services
The cornerstone Federal legislation for the education of students with disabilities is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. IDEIA ensures the provision of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) for every student who qualifies under the Federal Law and corresponding federal and state regulations.
Our goal is to work with parents/guardians to help ensure that every child experiences success in the Lakeview Local School System. The District encourages parents to call the office of Student Services, at (330) 637-3809 if they suspect their child has a handicap that may interfere with their child's ability to progress in the general education environment.
Special educational services are available to students with disabilities (SWD) from age 3 through 21 years of age. Lakeview promotes inclusion practices whenever appropriate, and provides support to the general education teacher and/or the SWD participating in the general education setting. The District employs one school psychologist, and 14 intervention specialists serving grades K-12. In addition, the District employs one speech and language pathologist to serve students identified with deficits in the area of communication. The District contracts with the Trumbull County Educational Service Center (TCESC) for various related services in order to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. Preschool special education services are offered through TCESC, Head Start, and Fairhaven.
Child Find
Ongoing efforts are made by the Lakeview Local School District to locate and evaluate children ages birth through 21 years of age, who reside within the district and have a confirmed or suspected disability in accordance with federal and state standards.
Parents, relatives, agency personnel, and concerned citizens may refer any child (birth through 21) who may qualify for special education and related services.
Anyone aware of a child who may have special needs living within the district is asked to call Jennifer Merkich, Student Services Supervisor at (330) 637- 3809.
Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Section 504 provides: "No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States...shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance...." A student with a disability is defined in this statute as a student who has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. If a parent suspects their child has a 504 disability, please contact your building principal or school counselor.
Once the school does an evaluation and determines eligibility, a 504 plan may need to be developed. A 504 plan is intended to provide adaptations to give the individual with a mental or physical impairment an equal or comparable opportunity (in comparison to non-disabled peers) to benefit from the education and programs/activities offered. 504 plans are not intended to enrich, extend, or maximize the student’s performance, but to ensure equal opportunity with that of non-disabled peers.
Title Services
Title 1A is a federally funded program for schools to assist economically disadvantaged students. Title 1A funds are used to provide instruction to raise the achievement of students who are falling, or at-risk of failing to meet the challenging state standards. Lakeview operates a Targeted Assistance Reading program for students in grades kindergarten through third grade.
Lakeview Elementary’s Title 1A program is called Bulldog Bunch. Eligibility in Bulldog Bunch is based on ranking from multiple criteria: district, state, and building assessments and teacher recommendations.
Information found on Bulldog Bunch website includes:
- Parent Involvement Policy/Plan
- Notices of the Title 1 Annual parent meetings along with access to the meeting presentations
- Parent Involvement Surveys
- Parent conference schedules
- Parent Activities
Click here Bulldog Bunch website to access the Bulldog Bunch website or copy and paste in your browser. https://sites.google.com/lakeviewlocal.org/lakeviewbulldogbunch/home
For more information, please contact the Lakeview Title Coordinator - Joanne.Ogurchak@lakeviewlocal.org 330.638.2145
Public Notice of Testing Transparency - click here
English Learners
Title III is a federally funded program for schools to assist English Learners. Lakeview Local Schools identifies English learners, annually assesses their English language proficiency, and provides accommodations for them.
The term EL - English Learner refers to those students whose home or native language is other than English, and whose current limitations in the ability to understand, speak, read, or write English impact their effective participation in school.
English Learner information found on the Bulldog Bunch website include:
- Lakeview English Learner Handbook in multiple languages
- Information on the OELPS and OELPA (screener and assessment)
- EL glossaries and resources
- Annual Parent Meeting information
- Parent conference schedules
- Parent Involvement Meeting information
Use the Google Translate link here Google Translate for translation assistance and if you would like more information about the Lakeview EL program, please contact the Lakeview Title Coordinator.
Click here Bulldog Bunch website or copy and paste:
Gifted Services
Gifted services are provided in grades K-12 for students who meet eligibility requirements. Testing for gifted eligibility generally occurs in grades 2-12; however, if a parent, teacher, or student believes a child will meet the criteria, a Gifted Referral Form should be completed and returned to the building’s school counselor.
Acceleration Information
Referral Form for Early Entrance to K or Grade 1
Whole Grade Acceleration Referral Form
Subject Acceleration Referral FormBoard Policies
Early Entrance to Kindergarten -Search Board Policy 5112
Academic Acceleration -Search Board Policy 5410
Gifted Education and Identification - Search Board Policy 2464