• 300 Hillman Dr., Cortland, OH 44410  |  Office: 330.282.4212
    Technology Coordinator - Lisa.Collins@lakeviewlocal.org

  • Blackboard Teacher Comms
  • Chromebook Repairs / Help
  • Employee Access Center (EAC)
  • Friendly URLs
  • Frontline
  • Google Login
  • Helpdesk (Technology)
  • Lab & Room Scheduling
  • Mini Orange Dashboard
  • Staff OneView Emergency Forms
  • Workorder (Maintenance)

Technology Integration at Lakeview

  • Technology can be a powerful tool in transforming the education of our students at Lakeview Local Schools!  The Technology Department is proud to support the ever growing technology needs of students and staff.

    Our classrooms are equipped with state of the art Clevertouch panels that are designed to deliver interactive and engaging lessons. The panels integrate with most any device. They come with their own Android system which provides many free educational apps and more flexibility for instruction.  
    In 2016, the district implemented our 1:1 Chromebook initiative in grades 3rd - 12th. Our Chromebooks provide students with multiple opportunities to research, collaborate, and create. The powerful and free Google Apps for Education Suite compliments the Chromebooks by allowing students to create and edit in real-time. The student's Google Drive allows secure storage with easy access to their work from anywhere. Students utilize their teachers' Google Classrooms via their Chromebook to view, complete and turn in assignments online.  Students also access their online textbooks from their Chromebooks and collaborate on projects with other classmates. Chromebooks are a game changer in education, providing deeper and more meaningful learning opportunities. We have over 1500 Chromebooks distributed in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.